Just a few weeks ago, EasyPost launched a new product: Luma, an AI tool that helps businesses understand their current shipping performance and make smarter (and more cost-effective) decisions.
Joe Dieter, head of product marketing at EasyPost, explains how Luma works and what sets it apart from other AI shipping technologies.
What exactly is Luma? Joe starts with a simple description: “It's the ultimate AI advisor at your fingertips that has been trained on billions of historical shipments.”
He goes on to explain, “Your AI is as good as the data that fed it. When you have the data of billions of past historical shipments, that means you have a good AI. A lot of the [other] AI shipping tools out there haven't processed billions of shipments.”
Luma offers three main benefits for shippers:
Anybody using the EasyPost API suite can use Luma, but Joe notes that other EasyPost solutions might be compatible with Luma in the future.
“EasyPost offers more than … our APIs. We offer enterprise-grade products … we have SMB products. … And Luma will be accessible through some of those other products over time.”
Lori Boyer 00:00
Coming up on today's episode ...
Joe Dieter 00:01
It's the ultimate AI advisor at your fingertips that has been trained on billions of historical shipments. Keep in mind, it's seen every scenario. It's like if you had a consultant walk into your office and say, yes, I have seen every kind of possible shipment that has gone out the door across every possible carrier and service level.
And so I know your situation. I know you more than you know you, and here's how you're going to do a better job tomorrow.
Lori Boyer 00:24
Welcome back to Unboxing Logistics. So glad to see our Unboxing Logistics family again. Today is a fun special episode. You know them, you love them. It's one of our EasyPost Insider episodes.
And this one, okay, you all know me and I get way excited about things. But I am so freaking excited about today's episode. We just recently launched the best, most amazing, exciting new tool, EasyPost Luma. And I have brought on Joe Dieter, our amazing product marketing manager here, to give you all the insider info on what Luma is.
But I wanted to start, since this is all about a product, I wanted to dive straight into, Joe, can you tell us, what is EasyPost Luma, why should people care, high level, and then we'll get into the details later.
Joe Dieter 01:23
So Luma is three things. Luma will give you the best and actionable insights on how you're shipping.
So you want to know how your different carriers and service levels are performing. How, what is the cost per package? What is the average time in transit? Why are shipments delayed? Why are shipments not showing up where they should be showing up? It's going to give you a look at how things are going today.
How are you performing today in your shipping operation? The second thing Luma does though, is it looks at how to be better tomorrow. It gives you a better version of shipping tomorrow by making really specific recommendations. Looking at how you've been shipping recently, you could save up to 20 percent on your shipping costs if you made a switch over to this carrier or this service level. You could actually save time in transit if you made a switch and this way. So really clear recommendations through this like AI advisor at your fingertips. The third thing Luma does is it takes those recommendations and that playbook for better shipping and then automatically purchases shipping labels according to that playbook, according to those recommendations.
And most systems don't do the second thing I mentioned. Most don't do the third. And the third is really saying, we're going to create rules based off your preferred time in transit, your preferred budget, your preferred carriers. We're going to look at the situation that's going to be the best fit for you.
That's going to be the most cost effective, that's going to be the fastest. And we're going to make sure you never miss out on the best label for that. And this has major implications and how much you're going to spend on shipping and how much of a headache shipping is going to be for you. So we're excited.
Lori Boyer 02:55
I'm going to stop you right there because we are talking about this amazing, highly anticipated, our customers have been chomping at the bit for this new product that has just launched at Manifest. If you were there at Manifest and you came and talked to us about it, you know, shout out to you.
But, everyone was buzzing about it. This is EasyPost Luma. So, exactly what Joe's saying. We took all of that data. We had so much data. Oh, everyone knows how much data there is in this industry. There is so much information. And actually made it usable. I hear so often from people there's so much data, but I don't really know what to do with it.
So introducing Luma. So Joe, let's back up a little bit. What is Luma?
Joe Dieter 03:47
The first thing it is, is the most approachable shipping analytics platform that's ever been built. Now that's intense. That's, that's saying a lot. But what it does is it tells you how you're performing today when it comes to shipping. It allows you to hold the carriers and the service levels you depend on accountable by looking at really how they're doing.
Are they delivering in the time you thought they were going to deliver? Are they delivering within budget? Are they adding new funds to price surcharges? The first part of Luma is called Luma Insights, and it gives you insight, it gives you clarity on how things are going today with how you're choosing to ship.
Lori Boyer 04:27
So Luma Insights.
Joe Dieter 04:29
There's another part of Luma Insights that's called Peer Shipper Benchmarking.
Lori Boyer 04:33
This is my favorite, like, pet part of all of Luma. I don't know. I love this one.
Joe Dieter 04:38
There's no shipping analytics or shipping insights product that's been out in this industry that allows you to not just say how am I doing, but how am I doing in comparison to people like me, to shippers like me.
Lori Boyer 04:50
Okay, stop. I'm gonna say it again. How am I doing in comparison to shippers like me? Boom. That is the question that everybody wants to know. It's great to know I did 7, 8, 3, 2. But did my neighbor do 5, 6, 7, 8? You know, we've got to have something to compare our data to. And I freaking love that. So, sorry Joe, go ahead.
I'm now the geeking out one.
Joe Dieter 05:16
We're nerding out.
Lori Boyer 05:17
We are nerding out a little bit here today, Joe. Love you guys. You're the best.
Joe Dieter 05:22
That's right. You know, the peer shipper benchmarking thing. My competitors, companies of my exact size, companies doing my kind of volume. How much are they spending on shipping?
What carriers and service levels are they choosing? How do they ship? Do they have some best practices I should be thinking about? This sort of thing just doesn't exist. It seems pretty basic, doesn't exist, it's powerful. So that's the first thing is how am I, that's it. Luma Insights. How am I shipping today?
Now there's a second part to Luma and it's called Luma Advisor. And just as any good advisor would, it says, okay, we see how you're doing today. We have recommendations on how to do it better tomorrow. If we were to simulate a better future of shipping for your company, if we were to simulate more cost savings, better decisions, and how you get a package out the door to a happy customer, here's some recommendations we would make. So that second part, Luma Advisor is going to say, hey, based on your current data, you could save 20 percent on shipping if you made a switch from this type of carrier and service level over to this type of carrier and service level. Do you know you could save a couple of days in time in transit, actually, if you made a switch in xyz way. So talk about actionable insights. This.
Lori Boyer 06:31
It's a simulator that helps you just kind of look at different potential scenarios.
Joe Dieter 06:37
It's the ultimate AI advisor at your fingertips that has been trained on billions of historical shipments. Keep in mind. It's seen every scenario. It's like if you had a consultant walk into your office and say, yes, I have seen every kind of possible shipment that has gone out the door across every possible carrier and service level.
And so I know your situation. I know you more than you know you, and here's how you're going to do a better job tomorrow.
Lori Boyer 07:00
I love it. You're going to be like, okay, I need to go talk to my consultant. I need to be advised. And then you can come back and say, okay, I've, yeah, it really is like your own personal consultant.
I was just reading a study. I love my consultants. I love you out there, I promise. But I was reading consultancy is one area where AI can kind of make some inroads because it really can advise you on what the best scenarios are. So cool. Simulator. What's, what's our third part?
Joe Dieter 07:29
The third part is, okay, great. I have a expert take on how I could be doing shipping better tomorrow. Can I have an AI tool that just automatically ships better tomorrow? So in other words, could I have an AI tool, this is the third part of, of Luma. It's called Luma Select. That's going to select the best label according to my preferences, according to my needs.
So for example, if Luma Advisor says, we recommend you make the switch over to this carrier for this type of shipment, Luma Select will automatically abide by that advice and purchase the right label every time, according to that rule. So with Luma Select, you can say, I want this sort of time in transit.
I want to work with these sort of carriers. I want to work within this sort of budget. I don't want to go over this cost per label. And I want this degree of delivery confidence that the thing is going to arrive when I want it to arrive. And then our system, based on billions of past historical shipments, can say based on everything we've seen recently and in the past, we think here's going to be the right label.
Lori Boyer 08:28
I love that because something we don't think about, one of those sort of really cool, interesting things we've learned and having so much data at our fingertips is that, you know, a carrier may give you a certain service level and say, oh, it'll probably be three to five business days. Well, billions of records show that 97 percent of the time, maybe it's in two days.
Right? So then you can make that call, like, hey. I need to get this there in two days and there's a super high chance that it's going to, but I can pay this lower rate. So is that right, Joe? Am I explaining that well?
Joe Dieter 09:00
Yes, absolutely. It's going to be able to look at how carriers and service levels have been doing, and it's going to look at what you need out of a carrier and service level and make that perfect match.
And it's going to help you generate and choose the best label every time, according to your needs, right? That's Luma Select. And this is called Luma. In shipping, we tend to call products, very literal names, like EasyPost or "Ship" blank. There's a lot of.
Lori Boyer 09:27
A lot of "Ship" something.
Joe Dieter 09:28
Why would someone come out with a new cool AI shipping tool and call it Luma?
Well, because right now, and this has always been the case as you know, to ship anything out the door, it's never been more costly. Shipping prices went up by over 8 percent on average last year. There's never been a bigger demand for speed. One out of two consumers expects faster delivery times than they had last year.
You have North American major metro market consumers that expect same day delivery for certain types of goods. And the point is this, is that it's never been harder to ship. There's never been more darkness in the road ahead of how am I going to ship and not lose a ton of money and not like have a huge cost center in my shipping operation. Any company of any size, any seller of any size. 3PLs of any size face this. Shipping is daunting.
It's expensive. It's feels very manual. In an ever increasingly modern and tech advanced world, it still feels in some ways, archaic. And what Luma does is it casts light into that darkness of uncertainty. You finally have a clear, visible path, an illuminated path to cost savings, to a more efficient shipping operation.
And by the way, like, people are going to think, did they just rehearse a really intense pitch? This is actually how you and I would be talking ...
Lori Boyer 10:43
I was just thinking that, Joe. I was just thinking, okay, you know me. I am not a pitcher of products. I am not a salesperson at all at heart. I love education. I like things that bring value to you.
I freaking love this product. Joe and I can sit there and talk for hours and be like, this is so so needed and so affordable. Again, I feel like I'm a commercial sometimes, but so let's talk, who do you feel like would be the perfect audience for this? As we talked before, we have a vast range of shippers.
Is there somebody who's more ideal, less ideal if they're listening today?
Joe Dieter 11:21
Yeah, so we're looking from SMB to enterprises, you know, we work with 12,000 shippers across the globe. We work with.
Lori Boyer 11:29
The largest ones in the world.
Joe Dieter 11:30
Every shipper of every size.
Lori Boyer 11:31
But tiny ones, too. So, yeah, everybody.
Joe Dieter 11:34
But one of the things to your question about Luma is it's approachable.
It's, it's the, it's the best and actionable insights and automated rate selection and the best AI shopping tool for shippers of all sizes. We think from small shippers all the way up to upper mid market, even enterprise shippers, they're going to need this product. We know that there have been tools that forecast a future of how you ship more efficiently that had been released over the past few years. And we've actually seen a ton of interest in this from some of the biggest shippers in the world. We also see questions about this sort of experience, from mid market shippers and SMB shippers. So, I don't know if that's a clear answer.
Lori Boyer 12:19
Probably our very smallest customers.
If you're shipping one thing every month, you know, you probably don't need an AI tool to look at what's going on. But once you're getting to any sort of scale, it's super affordable. It's not expensive at all. And there are different tiers. So there are different levels. And if you are massive, you know, we've got even more where it could be customized and there could, you know, so it's not just the out of the box.
So yeah, I would agree with that, Joe.
Joe Dieter 12:43
And the inside baseball answer is that, listen, we know our customer. As I said earlier, we're very specific, you know, we're going to mid market to enterprise current customers that do a lot of volume through our core APIs. We're showing them some of the initial testing numbers. And to be candid, it's that over the past several weeks, had Luma already been out there, our core customers, we call them, or the users of our, our flagship APIs would have saved over 10 million dollars if they had Luma.
Lori Boyer 13:10
EasyPost customers.
My people, my EasyPost customers, you would have saved 10 million dollars in the last few weeks, the last month, if it had rolled out earlier. That's it's just so such a great way to take advantage of the knowledge we have, actually make AI usable.
I hear that so much Joe. People say I, AI's really cool, but it just feels like I don't even know how to use it, and I don't even know what to do with it. And it's, that's what I love about this. It's really, really usable.
Joe Dieter 13:39
It delivers. Those kinds of savings means it's actually an intelligent AI. We know intelligence is in the, is in, you know, the name AI, but most AI shipping tools, I don't know if they're really intelligent. Are they save me that much money and time?
Lori Boyer 13:53
AI, artificial intelligence that is actually intelligent.
Joe Dieter 13:57
And people much smarter than me who aren't marketers and salespeople, but are actual talented engineers. And, and folks that are working on machine learning, they know it's been said that your AI is as good as the data that fed it.
Lori Boyer 14:11
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Joe Dieter 14:12
When you have the data of billions of past historical shipments, that means you have a good AI.
A lot of the AI shipping tools out there haven't processed billions of shipments. The companies haven't either been around long enough, or they had, didn't have the most reliable APIs that were doing this much volume.
And so, as we come into 2025, we're looking at everything the market did with AI shipping up to this point, and we respect it. But we also realize we had to come out with something because we had the most reliable shipping system.
Lori Boyer 14:43
We had so much data. I love, it's like a quote, I'm gonna put up Joe Dieter. Your AI is only as good as the data that you have trained it on.
I probably messed that up a little bit, but you get the idea. Lots of people can be like, oh, here's AI, I trained it on the last two days. That, that's not going to do anything. So yeah, those billions of shipments. I know I, we're going to keep geeking out. So I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to rein us in Joe.
Let's let's dive into each one a little bit more at depth because I think we could geek out forever. Luma Insights. That's the first layer. Obviously insights makes me think visibility, parcel visibility here, that kind of thing. Is that what it is? What, what is Luma Insights? Give me a real world scenario.
Shipper out there. What would they be doing?
Joe Dieter 15:32
If they want to look at carrier performance today or, or up to this point, how have the carriers I purchased labels through, the carriers I rely on? How have they been doing? What is the average cost per package? What is the average time in transit? If I want to look at a map of the United States and see different zones of how the carriers and service levels I rely on, how do they perform those different zones? Even package level detail, all the attributes of an individual parcel package that goes out the door on weight and all the other factors. How am I performing? In other words, when do things go wrong? When do things not go as planned?
I thought I was getting two day express shipping. It showed up not in two days. The customer is very unhappy. That's what we mean. We talk about visibility into performance or insights. How are you doing today? It's really, how are all the decisions you made in terms of who's shipping that package out there and the quality at which it got into the hands of your precious end customer?
How did it perform? Was it up to expectations? Did you get bang for your buck? Or are you paying for expedited mythical expedited service levels, we like to call it. So in other words, we even work with really large shippers that have been for years committing to certain expedited service levels with great carriers.
But because of their situation, all of a sudden it's revealed they have been overpaying for not expedited performance. This is very common, and this is something that Luma illuminates.
Lori Boyer 17:01
So, with Luma Insights then, it will give you the insights into your own, I guess, how is it, what, how is it different than Luma Advisor?
Let's make sure that everybody can understand. And then they come together. So in tier one, if you got a tier one package, it would include both Luma Insights and Luma Advisor, correct?
Can they get Luma Insights on their own?
Joe Dieter 17:23
Tier one is Luma Insights and Luma Select.
Lori Boyer 17:27
Oh, and Luma Select. Okay, perfect.
Joe Dieter 17:29
And the Luma Insights you get is just looking at your current shipping performance, how things are going. And there's just baseline insights, we call them. Really helpful insights to look at. How are you doing with shipping? Where are you losing money? Where are there failed shipments? Where are there delays?
Looking at your carrier mix, what carriers you tend to buy labels through. And then you're getting that Luma Select, that ability to set rules and automatically purchase the right label according to your needs, according to your budget.
Lori Boyer 17:56
But not the simulation. Gotcha.
Joe Dieter 17:57
Luma tier two to your question includes Luma Advisor, those proactive recommendations.
Hey, here's some changes we think you could make based on current data to save time and money. Luma tier two includes that advisor on past 30 days of shipment behavior, past 30 days of data. It also includes within Insights that Peer Shipper Benchmarking, you were excited about?
Lori Boyer 18:20
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love the Benchmarking.
Joe Dieter 18:21
Okay, I know how I'm performing, but what does that mean? Like am I, am I being smart about this compared to companies like me and other, my competition? If I'm a seller, is the competing seller that keeps me up at night, are they like retaining way more profits? They have way more efficient shipping. And this is one of the main reasons sellers lose lots of money and stuff is that their shipping just isn't smart.
And so this is huge. Peer Shipper Benchmarking, all of a sudden I have a cheat sheet. I know best practices for folks like me, the right way to ship. That's the vision with this. And in tier two, you get that, you get the Advisor, you get the Select. Luma tier three is not going to be available until this spring.
The first two are available in early February, but Luma tier three is interesting because we're adding in, into Insights, warehouse insights. Lori, we've done some tours of warehouses.
Lori Boyer 19:13
Oh my word, they blow my mind! You are amazing! Every time I step into a warehouse, I'm like, what is happening?
Joe Dieter 19:21
Every warehouse is a snowflake.
Lori Boyer 19:23
It's insane.
Joe Dieter 19:24
Every warehouse has their exceptions and is different and it's such a, it's such a brave thing to oversee a warehouse because there's a million things go wrong and there's. But the point is this, is that there haven't been a lot of shipping analytics tools that say let's look at everything going on in your warehouse. Everything that comes into the warehouse, everything that goes out of the warehouse. How much you're spending on every facet of what it takes to run your warehouse. And let's see where we can get more efficient.
So it's everything we did for carrier performance or, or the label. And it's saying, now let's look at kind of the pick and pack process of what's actually going on within the walls of, of where fulfillment started to happen within the warehouse. That's an Insights tier three.
Lori Boyer 20:08
When, when are we thinking tier three?
Joe Dieter 20:09
It's in the spring.
Lori Boyer 20:11
Joe Dieter 20:11
Is, is what we want to communicate now.
Lori Boyer 20:13
It's coming.
Joe Dieter 20:14
The other part of tier three is that Select where you have a tool that gets the best label every time. It's going to have a little, speaking of ChatGPT, it's going to have your little ChatGPT of shipping, right? So an LLM, all that means is I have that trusted AI advisor that I can kind of have a text chat with.
I can message back and forth in lifetime. I can work together with a really great AI advisor to find the best rules.
Lori Boyer 20:39
Yes. Oh, great.
Joe Dieter 20:40
I can ask questions, I can pose scenarios. I can say, here's just shifted. We have a, a new foreseen major volume coming up this peak season. Here's our new situation. We're adding in these products. Whatever the situation is, our vision is that you have this trusted AI advisor that you can have a lifetime conversation with through text, and then you together, you create the best rules to truly get the best label every time.
So that's going to be in tier three. And there's so many different ways people talk in the world of shipping and even how they make decisions. And we think that having an LLM that starts to understand all the ways all the great shippers out there of all sizes talk about how they need to ship, it's going to allow us to really start to understand the nuanced segment of different types of shippers and then just even get them the more precise rules that are going to give major savings.
Lori Boyer 21:33
It goes back to your point earlier that, you know, there are just such a diverse number of shippers. All of you are, are so unique. And what you need from, you know, an AI tool, may be slightly different. I love that idea of the kind of ChatGPT, chatting back and forth. Because again, figuring out what rules to do and what even queries to make is a huge part of AI.
Joe Dieter 21:59
In most industries, the right query to ask ChatGPT or whatever tool you're using is pretty set in standard. There's a common language. Something, especially you would know because you talk with so many shipping and logistics veterans and experts ...
Lori Boyer 22:12
Heroes, I call you.
Joe Dieter 22:13
Is there's a hundred different languages in the shipping industry. For like, even describe the five steps it takes to get an order out the door to your end customer. The words they use are vastly different.
Lori Boyer 22:24
Boy, and when you start getting international and I mean, it is complex.
Joe Dieter 22:28
So to like create a ChatGPT for shipping, one of the reasons it's been a slow journey is because this industry is very special and unique in that there hasn't been a common language. And everyone has, honestly, it's the wild west where everyone has, oh, with this sort of package going to this country, we apply these five extra labels. And then we put it in a, in this corner of the warehouse over here, and then it only goes out if Tim is here on Tuesday morning by this time. Like I'm being a little bit dramatic, but that unique nature of each individual shipper, you have to have an AI system that has empathy to understand, ah, I'm, I'm drawing commonalities in how these hundred different languages are talking the same language. And then we can talk with any sort of shipper and quickly understand the rules they need to get the best label every time.
Lori Boyer 23:17
I get this question a lot, Joe. Do you need to be an EasyPost customer in order to use Luma?
Joe Dieter 23:22
Yes. Well, it's interesting. You need to be a core API customer.
Lori Boyer 23:25
Core API customer.
Joe Dieter 23:28
Our flagship product, all that means is the product we are known by, the product that changed shipping forever, the product that our fearless founder invented when he invented the first restful API for shipping and gave you access to the biggest carrier network.
All these pitch points, that product is the one you want to be a customer of to get Luma in the beginning. And, but you can be a brand new customer to us, obviously, and sign up with us because you want access to Luma. You'll just be technically also enjoying all the benefits of our core API suite as you discover those different APIs, and you enjoy those as well.
Lori Boyer 23:59
That sounds perfect. So down the road, maybe other products expand past our flagship.
Joe Dieter 24:05
EasyPost offers more than what we call our APIs. We offer enterprise grade products for highly complex shipping situations and for true enterprise shippers who are doing high volumes and have lots of unique use cases.
We have SMB products. We have all sorts of products. And Luma will be accessible through some of those other products over time. In the beginning, it's the core API suite.
Lori Boyer 24:37
You EasyPost customers, core API, I love you. This is for you. Awesome. I, you know, we've geeked out. We've talked about this at length, but I want to ask you, how do you see Luma really just sort of impacting logistics professionals. Is it going to change the nature of the way they work? Is it going to, do you see it more as a money saver, as an efficiency builder? You know, where do you feel like its best benefits are?
Joe Dieter 25:06
What we know is that nine out of 10 business leaders say, I need AI to stay competitive, and I need AI to help with things like cost saving. To help with things like how long it takes to do basic tasks in my shipping and supply chain. We know there's credible consulting firms saying that AI and supply chain management or I'm sorry, AI is going to impact logistics and supply chain management by 40 billion in savings per year. Okay, this is something that's been floating out there.
So to answer your question, we know the real impact is I'm going to get smarter about the shipping decisions I make. And because of that, shipping will be less of a cost center. I will see over time, I'm spending less of my budget on shipping. I'm spending less of my time on fulfilling orders and fulfilling the shipment process.
I'm spending less of my time negotiating rates with carriers. I'm spending less of my time wondering why I have so many angry end customers because of the shipping decisions I was making, they weren't delivering as promised. All of the friction, in other words, all of the things that give you a little bit of a headache throughout your day as you.
Lori Boyer 26:16
That turn into a massive migraine by night, Joe, come on.
Joe Dieter 26:19
If you are one of those brave people managing a warehouse on this planet, if you're one of those brave people responsible for choosing what carriers your company is going to commit to and what service levels you're going to commit to. If you're one of those brave people that has to respond to a disgruntled customer on why their shipment isn't there yet.
All of those points are things that product people call friction. Of things that just don't make life way more easier and peaceful. That's the reality of what a tool like Luma alleviates. It removes friction it. And before you know it, after using tools like this, you're going to turn around in a few weeks and realize the things that gave me a headache last month are no longer even a part of my nine to five job anymore.
Lori Boyer 27:00
Yeah, that's amazing. We'll have new headaches. I'm sorry, that's how life is. I can't, you know, say you're never going to use ibuprofen again. All right, Joe. So for people who are really excited about Luma, where can they learn more? What's the next steps?
Joe Dieter 27:15
Yeah. Well, if you're a current core API customer reach out to your CSM. So reach out to customer success. We are starting to talk to some of our current customers about this and we have a number of them that are super excited. And obviously if you're brand new to EasyPost a number of ways you can reach out to us, right?
Lori Boyer 27:33
Yeah, we got links in the show notes. Come to our website. I mean, you'll be able to find it. You can email me. Hey, I always love to chat. You can talk to anybody really at EasyPost and they will get you in the right direction to figure out, you know, if Luma works for you, what tier might be best. Yeah, any of those.
So it should be pretty easy to find.
Joe Dieter 27:55
Lori Boyer 27:56
And so thank you so much, Joe, for being here. It's so it's like having family here when I get to have my own EasyPost coworkers on. That's really extra special. So thank you to the audience. You hang in there the whole time. You are my favorites. So. Again, Luma, EasyPost Luma.
It's incredible. I am so excited about this product launch. You are going to love it. Joe, if anyone wants to connect with you specifically, are you on LinkedIn? How could they connect with you?
Joe Dieter 28:26
Yeah. LinkedIn. Absolutely.
Lori Boyer 28:27
Great. And we'll throw his email in if you want to email Joe. He is smart when it comes to product.
Maybe you just have a question around product marketing. He loves to nerd out on that stuff. So thanks again and we'll see you all next time.